“Cici [...] challenges people to look at their own beliefs and privilege. She is approachable, listens, and makes room for everyone’s experience.”
Cici’s workshops are designed to fortify marginalized leaders, advance social justice, and build stronger organizations.
With both national and international experience advancing youth and women’s leadership, as well as strengthening organizations, Cici’s engaging and dynamic presentation-style compels forward action and sustainable impact.
White Supremacy Rehab
2 hours OR Full day training
The current political climate has drawn a line in the sand. Businesses and corporations regardless of the size or industry can no longer shield themselves from social issues. With pressure from outside and within, traditional diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practices are failing. Why? They fail to address the root of the problem: white supremacy. White Supremacy Rehab is a model that trains participants to interrogate the ways white supremacy influences our individual ideologies, experiences, and beliefs, and identify strategies to disrupt systems of oppression. Learn how to create sustainable change at your organization by transforming yourselves, your relationships, and the culture you build together.
Radical Reflection: The Key to Sustainable Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
2 hours
Traditional diversity, equity, and inclusion tactics focus on institutional change without addressing the issue at the core: our own mindsets. Real sustainable and transformational change starts with the transformation of self. Radical reflection gives us the foundation to interrogate the ways we've been socialized to create, lead, and interact with the world around us. Are our actions aligned with our liberation or furthering our oppression? Learn the framework of radical reflection and how to transform your thinking to redefine our world. If we can change ourselves, we can change the world.
Passion Framing: How to engage young and non-traditional voters in the civic process for the long-term
2 hours or Full day training
Traditional civic engagement tactics have centered and depended on inspirational and relevant candidates to engage and inspire young and forgotten communities (people of color, poor and rural folk) to vote which has yielded temperamental success. The use of passion framing presents a sustainable way to engage voters, not just for an election, but for a lifetime.
Social Justice Values in Practice
2 hours OR Full day training
The current political climate has drawn a line in the sand. Businesses and corporations regardless of the size or industry can no longer shield themselves from social issues. With pressure from within and inside to be more inclusive and equitable, doing it authentically may seem like daunting task while trying to stay true to organizational values. Learn the foundation of social justice values and how to masterfully embed them into the ethos of the work.
Unapologetically Great: How to Lead Your Way
1 hour
In a world where we are conditioned to strive to emulate the leadership style, values and demeanor of leaders that came before us; it can be difficult to carve out and flourish your own way. Learn tips tricks and stories of how to take into your inner brilliance and lead on your own terms.
Other Special Topics
How to be an Intentional Disruptor
Holistic Civic Engagement: How to Engage Non-traditional Voters for the Long-term
Racial Justice in Practice
Solidarity in Practice
Power Privilege and Oppression and Your Role
Optimizing Workplace Culture for Diversity Inclusion and Celebration
Redefining Retention: Five Ways to Better Support Black Women Leaders
Customized workshops available upon request.